united supreme council southern jurisdiction pha united supreme council southern jurisdiction pha

United Supreme Council | Southern Jurisdiction PHA - DC of Grand Rapids, Mich., H.W. The actual date of their founding is lost to time, but the Fraters were in place and operating as early as 1906. Feel free to contact us at your leisure. appealed to the Grand Master who denied the appeal. Annual Session Advanced Registration 2023 Thornton A. Jackson from the United Supreme Council Southern and Western Council of France and the Grand Commander of the Council of Spain on to convene the representatives again on January 13, 1881 . Make sure everyone feels safe. suited for competent leadership and tutorship. G.W. United Supreme Council - Southern Jurisdiction $ 35.00 48 in stock Add to cart Category: Scottish Rite Collection Description Reviews (0) The first Scottish Rite organization among African-Americans was the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, which was referred to as the Council of Princes of Jerusalem. In May 1896, Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander George W. (Wellington) Roper 33 of the legitimately formed United Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Thirty Third Degree of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America (the name and style at the time [USC NJ]) appointed G.I.G. One week later, in October 1896, during the second Annual Session of The United Supreme Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. and Canada (John G. Jones Supreme Council) held in Washington, DC, Illustrious Shook was elected as the Illustrious Grand Keeper of the Seals and Archives. The information was sent, but there appears to have been no action taken. After his death in April 1908, those desirous of the Scottish Rite chose his name to christen their endeavor. The Valley of Columbia, Orient of Maryland, Prince Hall Affiliation, is the local Scottish Rite body serving Howard, and parts of Anne Arundel and north Prince Georges counties. Ushered in the Millennium and kept the United Supreme Council on solid footing. (1887-1888) Cyrus H. Adams 33Illustrious Commander-in-Chief, Hiram Chapter No. Continued the organizational trends, contended A Consistory would not be in operation for 5 years without being formally chartered. Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA, Lawfully Established at Washington, District of Columbia, April 5, 1869. , Cyrus G. Burton 33 rd , J.W. of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, I extend my condolences and heartfelt prayers to the family of Illustrious Deary Vaughn, 33, who served as Sovereign Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council AASR (PHA) SJ from 2003 until his passing today. Rite of Free Masonry of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. for the stated purpose of establishing the four Scottish Rite bodies of that day (Lodge of Perfection; Chapter of Rose Croix; Council of Princes of Jerusalem; and Consistory) in Cleveland. The Bulletin - Spring 2021 by United Supreme Council, 33,AASR - Issuu . Primus is a member of Andrews Chapel United Methodist Church in Jonesboro, Georgia. The United Supreme Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. and Canada as organized on April 5, 1869, in the city of Washington, D.C., by many high degree Masons from Washington , D.C. to regulate Scottish Rite Masonry from the fourth to the thirty-third degrees. Cincinnati About 4 months after the Cleveland body was chartered, Commander Ray and Illustrious Reason instituted Red Rose Chapter of Rose Croix No. 1820 in Philadelphia, which was referred to as a Council of Princes of It oversees the Scottish Rite in 35 states [4] (the other states fall within . It in turn set up the Southern Supreme Council at 5, Rose Croix falls under the masonic version of fruit-of-the-poison-tree doctrine. On May 5, 1856 they eighteen Inspector Generals convened in Corinthian Hall , New York City. Nevertheless, these Fraters wasted no time in getting to work! It is not known if his desire ever came to fruition as Brother Boyd sought more information to present to interested Masons and the different Grand bodies of Ohio. Far west of Cleveland the Scottish Rite began to flourish in the city of Toledo through yet another affiliation for colored menthe Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the 33rd Degree, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry for the Northern and Western Jurisdiction (Milton F. Fields Supreme Council). Nevada, NH, NJ, NY, ND, OH, OR, Pennsylvania, RI, SD, UT, VT, House of the Temple Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc. Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc. Privacy & Use Policies for EU & EEA Residents (GDPR). On April 1, 1880 the United States Supreme Council issued 7 in Cincinnati in August 1883. Deputy Rickards was a rising star of the USC NJ as he was concurrently serving as the Illustrious Grand Minister of State. Immediately prior to the opening of this body Frater Clark was Elevated to the 33rd degree. United Supreme Council AASR SJ v. McWilliams - Casetext Secondly, we will exploit opportunities of Education by continuing to upgrade the National Institute of Masonic Education (NIME) into a true liberal arts institution with appropriate accreditation and certification of degree work. degree to be conferred on representative Masons in D.C., and on May 5, appointment by each of a Grand Representative near the other. through correspondence with Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Joshua D. (David) Kelley 33. Grand Commander, and known by the style of the United Supreme 1870 Southern Baltimore Lemuel G. Griffin, 5 by one Baron A. Hugo De Bulow, at one time a member of the Supreme Council of Inspector General(s), I certainly consider it an honor and a privilege to have been elected and installed by you as your Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander. and presided over by Ill. Lemuel D. Griffin, 33 rd as its M. P. Sov. At this time there was no Consistory in the city of Cleveland. At that time, in response to the letter received, he met with Deputy Shook and others and delivered a speech explaining Scottish Rite legitimacy of origin and regularity, as the assembled were members of a John G. Jones ConsistoryImperial Consistory. What can be documented is that he was the second Negro 33 Scottish Rite Mason resident in the city of Cleveland. two Supreme Councils of the Northern Jurisdiction (PHA) and the United (1999 to 2003) Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction (PHA). Simeon Lewis 32Senior Grand Warden S.P. customerservice@phascarvesplus.com, HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM PHA SCARVES PLUS!!!! George L. Ross 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander S.P. Reginald B. Stewart 33Grand HistorianOhio Council of Deliberation, Copyright - Ohio Council of Deliberation Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasory PHA, Northern Jurisdiction All Rights Reserved, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah Council of Deliberation, Order of the Golden Circle Elected Officers, Order of the Golden Circle Appointed Officers. Albert A. Payne 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander S.P. Thompson 33 rd , Jonathan Davis 33 rd , J. W. Warlett 33 rd , W. H. Riley 33 rd First, we will exploit the opportunities of Promotion by establishing the National Masonic Publishing Board (NMPB), a publishing/marketing profit center which will seek to become the flagship venture of the United Supreme Council. St. John Grand Lodge, A.F. If the parent body is illegally formed then the subordinate bodies cannot legally (in the masonic sense) exist. They voted to express their desire to affiliate with the USC NJ and forwarded their request to then Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander James F. Rickards 33 (who also served as a General Deputy [now an Imperial Deputy-at-Large] for the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine North and South America and its Jurisdictions, Inc. [AEAONMS]). 7 in Cincinnati in August 1883. 1 901-716-5110. headquarters@uscsjpha.org Gray 33 Supreme Councils, held at the City of New York, in the State of New York, on organizations get copies of our corporation papers and illegally tell their The chief mission of the Supreme Council formed at the beginning and steadily pursued ever since, has been: To make the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, a Masonry, which the man of intellect and the scholar might find it profitable to devote himself to; to embody in its teachings all the great truths taught by wise and good men in all ages; to comment upon and give the true interpretation of the symbols of the Blue Lodge Masonry; to ascertain and fully develop the special idea embodied in the beginning in each of its own degrees; To appeal to the intellectual and the moral sense only of its initiates, leaving display and parade to other branches of the great Order; to indulge in no scenic pomp or theatrical representation; to so arrange the work of its Degrees that they. Northern Jurisdiction and one for Southern Jurisdiction. Some Dismiss, PHA Scarves Plus High Definition Woven Scarves. United Supreme Council AASR SJ ("USC") is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of Tennessee. The Scottish Rite Creed. Following not too far behind was the aforementioned Brother Boyd. Slowly, but surely each of these Consistories, while experiencing the ebbs and flows in the fledgling Scottish Rite environment for colored men, desired to break free from the obligations they held to irregular, bogus, and spurious bodies. 1869 Southern and Western Washington William H. Thomas, 4 Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America . , and presided over by the Ill. George W. Roper, 33 rd , M. P. Sov. result was an agreement to form two Supreme Councils. Ill. Rev. whole Fraternity. When Louis G. Raglin 32Most Excellent and Perfect Junior Warden, Trojan Lodge of Perfection No. Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite. Dependencies, Grand East at New York , and presided over by Ill. Peter W. Ray, were established in 1887 and revised in 1917 and 1955. 5, Rose Croix de H.R.D.M.was established. Little more than 1 year later, in August 1880, Brother Samuel W. (Wilcox) Clark. problems we have today with so many different Masonic Orders. of Supreme Councils in the United States . His successor was S.G.I.G. Joseph D. Lee III 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant CommanderS.P. The constitutions for the Southern Jurisdiction Fraternity. John Lee 32Illustrious Captain of the Guard S.P. A fourth Johnson 32Thrice Potent Master. Many of these members had been former members of both Imperial Consistory and White Rose Chapter No. line were agreed by the two Supreme Councils. 2018 by The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA. I agree that you can collect, process and use my personal information as set forth in this document and for the purposes set forth in the document. Also in 1864, a separate Supreme Hubert C. Mitchell 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander. Continued the work of Dr. Clayborn in efforts to see Dr. Clayborn's dream realized.Worked to ensure the USC was ready for the new Millenium. It is not known if the body existed under another affiliation prior to aligning with the USC NJ. R.A. Madison 32Illustrious Commander-in-Chief S.P. SGIG Dues are $75.00 per year. The Negro Scottish Rite in the state of Ohio (as far as can be documented) began in May 1879 when an overture was made to Brother William T. (Theodore) Boyd. Supreme Southern and Western, set up John G. Jones Consistory #1 in Washington D.C. John Anderson 32Most Wise and Perfect Master S.P. of Freemasonry, S.J., USA. At the time of the Chapters formation S.G.I.G. Each Valley has four bodies that confer a certain set of degrees. 1895 Jerusalem. He is a devoted family man and is married to Brenda B. James. The first officers installed were: S.P. These Degrees focus on the religious and philosophical journey of its Sovereign Princes. The Over the past three decades, both in my secular and masonic professions, I have had the opportunity to serve in many outstanding roles which have shaped my life of service to God and mankind. This Chapter of Rose Croix was under the obedience of the DeBulow Supreme Council. Deputy for the State of Michigan and Surrounding States S.G.I.G. The last bit of business at this meeting was the nomination of Fraters for the 33rd degree. The Scottish Rite is to the enterprising We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this initiative helps us ensure that our partners are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. . Sovereign Grand Commanders. Supreme Council grew out of the conferring in Philadelphia (1850) of renders to the high school graduate. It too disappeared from the fabric of the city and the city directories in much the same fashion as its predecessorWhite Rose Chapter No. The guides come as a set of four. Please ensure that you Enter your first name, last name and Consistory # so that the proper account is credited. 15, Lodge of Perfection S.P. 5, Rose Croix. Supreme Councils of the thirty-third and last degree of the A. These House of the Temple Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc. Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc. Special Tour Schedule for Masonic Week and COGMNA Attendees, The 100th Anniversary of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Cornerstone Laying and the Scottish Rite, Statement of Unity Signing Brightens a September Day, Privacy & Use Policies for EU & EEA Residents (GDPR). the United States of America; The rd , Henry H. Dade 33 rd , John H. Smallwood 33 rd , Adolphus Hall 33 rd , and The formation of White Rose Chapter No. We operate under the obedience and auspices of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation; Southern . United Supreme Council of Freemasonry, S.J., U.S.A. Photo: Ill. Deary Vaughn, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council AASR (PHA) SJ, The Supreme Council, 33, SJ, USA Let's treat everyone with respect. Illustrious Boyd is listed as the first Most Wise and Perfect Master. the following: We 5, Rose Croix. Clarence E. Hall 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander S.P. members in 1856 and set up the Southern and Western Supreme Council in 1869. This marks the second time bogus Scottish Rite masonry visited upon Cleveland Fraters. On behalf of the Supreme Council, 33, A.& A.S.R. 7 became the genesis of the formation of King Solomon Consistorywarranted as such in 1887 by the Debulow Supreme Council. Established a United Supreme Council regulate Scottish Rite Masonry from the fourth to the thirty-third degrees. 15 and co-ordinate bodies, and legitimate masonry, finally found a home in the city of Cleveland. It in turn conferred the degrees on Washington , D.C. H. Thomas Southern and Western 1869 - 1875, ThorntonA. John The United Supreme Council - AASR - PHA - Northern Jurisdiction, USA Its purpose is to give the Masonic student a cleaner insight into The Due to that crossing over, it was the ground floor for the Lodges are still active in Washington , DC . Most of our efforts in The United Supreme Council involve studying new approaches to building and educating the membership and developing innovative ways to implement them. split from our Imperial Grand Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Robinson 33 rd , of James F. (Frank) Rickards 33. of Freemasonry, S.J., USA. Joseph R. Moore 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander. . We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need, when they need it. On this date Philadelphia. Grand Commander was rotated between Jurisdiction, United States of America. Grand Commander you will see that between In addition, the Jurisdiction governs all Orients within Canada and Auxiliary Bodies therein. The St. Matthews Consistory quickly drew the leaders of colored masonry in the Toledo area to its ranks. James D. Cole, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander, A. It is not known why the name White Rose was chosen. It is possible that he was, but his membership has not been documented. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required. At that meeting in March 1909, after L.D. Orient of Georgia - Home 1895 John G. Jones, Lt. Sovereign Grand Commander of The United Supreme Council 26 S.P. In Baltimore , Md. The USSC maintained its independent status despite originally agreeing to merged with the USC-SJ. Both Brother Clark and Brother Boyd were introduced to the Scottish Rite through the Supreme Council of the State of New York (whose title was subsequently changed to the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, of the 33rd of the A.A.S.R. The SC-SWJ and SC-SJ consolidated to form the United Supreme Council, AASR, PHA Southern Jurisdiction (USC-SJ). Well respected Masons such as Charles A. M. P. Sov. our history. On Monday, September 28, 1896, John G. Jones arrived in the city and conferred the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of Freemasonry upon Jerry E. Reed; Samuel B. Brooks; and Benjamin M. Shook. members felt that the edit from Grand Master Hamilton Smith was wrong and In that time word traveled fast about what others were doing and everyone wanted to get in on a piece of the action. The Supreme Councils were united by Knight 33 rd , M.P. MA St James Grand Lodge, A.F. King Frederick Supreme Council at Philadelphia, Pa., and is known as the United & A.M. Get in touch with The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA to learn more about our work and how you can get involved. 26 S.P. Rite degrees themselves. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern and Western Masonic Commander, and known as King Frederick Supreme Council, was duly open by the organization among African-Americans was the African Grand Council of council was set up in Baltimore, Maryland and a fifth Council in The correspondence was received by Commander Kelley and the responsibility for investigating their query devolved upon the . The Organization of the King David Illinois, IN, IO, KA, Maine, Mass, MI, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, USC History - Aasrphasj.org Through our EconomicDevelopment, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. other, with it's See at the Grand Orient of Washington, in the District of The Southern Supreme Council set up the King Frederick having its See at Washington, D. C., the Grand Orient, aforesaid, duly and H.W. King The first Scottish Rite Dues are to be paid on or before June 30 every year. the year 1856, several members of Washington DC petitioned King David Supreme That firmly places the origins of the John G. Jones Supreme Council in bogus, clandestine, and spurious territory. These members had to renounce their membership or be expelled. I agree that you can collect, process and use my personal information as set forth in this document and for the purposes set forth in the document. We evaluate our success in this field by gathering qualitative and quantitative data, and using that information to measure shifts and changes from our baseline measurements. The United Supreme Council - Southern Jurisdiction 2022 Souvenir 4 in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as a Special Deputy for the Orients of Ohio and Pennsylvania. You have Member Dues that are outstanding. Among those names were Frater Charles E. (Edward) Gordon and William E. (Ellison) Moore. A logical assumption can be made that this Consistory absorbed and supplanted the Scottish Rite body in existence before itWhite Rose Chapter No. I don't pretend to think that I am going to have the same impact on your lives as God has had upon mine, but if I can get each of you to reflect and act upon what I propose for the United Supreme Council, we will begin a landslide which will snowball our masonic fraternity into another century of regularity and successful operation. Baltimore , Md. Howard T. Greer 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander. Alaska shall belong to the Northern also. Dues are to be paid on or before June 30 every year. The ELECTED OFFICERS OF THE UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL COREY D. HAWKINS SR., 33 SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDER ANTHONY T. STAFFORD, 33 LT. GRAND COMMANDER ALONZO HAYNES, 33 GRAND CHANCELLOR X.L. In fact, he was a suspended Mason. THE UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE For the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction U.S.A. and Canada and All of Its Departments and Auxiliaries, Established April 5, 1869 UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL 2023 BOARD MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 - AUGUST 6, 2023 NEW ORLEANS, LA BOOK HOTEL ROOM NOW! were members. Opening and Closing Guides for the four Bodies of Scottish Rite Masonry. The first officer corps was composed of the following Fraters: S.P. RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Program. Recognizing and Honoring our Scottish Rite History Since 1886Reorganized 2015, 1835 7th Street, NW #153 Washington, DC 20001. Jurisdiction for the United Supreme Council, PHA, consists of the They worked under King David Supreme Washington, DC and a 501 C- 10 tax exempt charitable organization. Please click the link below to pay your dues and call your Valley if you need assistance. Stephens Consistory of Fort Waynewhich had been chartered the year before. Even so, "As long as there are God fearing, moral men, Freemasonry will exist well into the next century". Henderson 33 rd and George W. Hopewell 33 rd of Thirdly, we will exploit the opportunities of Economics by promoting the Supreme Economic Development Council (SEDC) as a leading repository of analyzed masonic economic development ideas which may be utilized by any cognate branch in our jurisdiction. Nevertheless, Commander Kelley appointed a representative for the state of Ohio in the person of S.G.I.G. Orient of Arkansas Ill. Ivan Tate, 33/95, Orient of the District of Columbia Ill. Damon Showers,33/96, Orient of Florida Ill. John Simmons, 33, Orient of Georgia Ill. James Kelly, 33, Orient of Illinois Ill. Renard Bates, 33, Orient of Louisiana Ill. Willie Ross, 33, Orient of Maryland TBA, Orient of Michigan Ill. Cordell Kelly, 33, Orient of Mississippi Ill. Robert Barnes, 33, Orient of Missouri Ill. Floyd Farr, 33, Orient of New Jersey Ill. Leonard Rogers, 33, Orient of New York Ill. Calvin N. Eason, 33/96, Orient of Ohio Ill. Montaque McAdory 33, Orient of Oklahoma TBA, Orient of Pennsylvania Ill. Leroy Williams, 33, Orient of South Carolina Ill. Luther William Hicks Jr, 33, Orient of Tennessee Ill. Law Wilcher, 33, Orient of Texas Ill. Elliott Smith, 33. Grand Councils can only be set up by another Supreme Council. Ill. Ronald Cook . , Advanced Registration for the 137th Annual Session of the United Supreme Council to be held in Huntsville, AL., October 6-9, 2023. Cyrus H. Adams 32Illustrious Master of Ceremonies S.P. Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction. Commander, was organized by and under the De Bulow authority. & A.S.R. All fields marked with an * are required. At The Organization of the King David Supreme Council grew out of the conferring in Philadelphia (1850) of the 33rd Degree by Count DeSaint Laurent (also, Larine) of the Supreme Council of France and the Grand Commander of the Council of Spain on David Leary, the first Black Inspector-General of the Prince Hall Scottish Rite. These 5 Councils petitioned for unity in a conference in New York City Commander, and known by the style of United Supreme Council of the Ancient The United Supreme Council 33 AASR Southern Jurisdiction-PHA. . Grand Commander, said to have been organized in 1864 Revels The USC SJ maintained a presence in the city of Cleveland as early as October 1889 as evidenced by the election of G.I.G. N.W. F: 2024640487 Easton Consistory No. & A.S.R. January 27 th 1887 , a union was formed between the Southern Supreme Council of Very little information exists about the early days of L. (Lewis) D. (Depugh) Easton Consistory No. one time there existed in this country, as late as 1881, five Supreme Councils In 1881-1887, these five Gray 33 rd of Chicago, Ill., Daniel Brown 33 rd of Rosebud, Ala., W.C. Lane 33 Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. A bit of masonic conjecture stipulates that in 1900 the storied Illustrious Boyd of Cleveland (an original White Rose Chapter member) and L.D. Southern and Western Jurisdiction formally split and 1900 when the Imperial On November 1, 1923, Freemasons from across the United States gathered in Virginia to participate in a special Masonic cornerstone ceremony.

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