dual magnum herbicide application rate dual magnum herbicide application rate

a. . . Weed management for highbush blueberries in the transplant year and in established plantings. Weed Problem Herbicide Rate/Acre Comments and Limitations PLANTING YEAR PREEMERGENCE WEED CONTROL Annual broadleaf weeds (mesotrione) Group 27 Callisto Herbicide 3-6 oz Add nonionic surfactant to be 0.25%% of the spray volume, or 1 qt per acre crop oil concentrate. and Cadet (Fluthiacet-methyl). Use Dual Magnum only on plants established for more than one year, and lower rates are suggested on 2- to 3-year-old plantings. Pennant Magnum is a selective pre-emergent herbicide that controls weeds in nurseries, turf, and landscape plantings. Application Date: 5/1/20 | Image taken: 6/17/20 *Results may vary, depending on rainfall and soil type. Apply a post-emergence application when weeds are less than 4 in. The factors were herbicide rate (Dual Magnum at 1, 1.33, 2, or 4 pt/acre) and application timing (Table 1). It can be applied post-emergence in soybeans up to the V3 stage. All . Pre-Plant Apply Dual Magnum at a broadcast rate of 0.5-1.0 pt/A pre-plant, i.e. Dual Magnum also offers application flexibility as it can be applied in the fall for specific geographies and post-emergence as a tank mix partner for residual grass and small- seeded broadleaf control. The product report will show "DUAL MAGNUM - TRANSPLANTED BELL PEPPERS." Click on the ALLSTAR symbol. Weeds: Palmer amaranth and Goosegrass. The product report will show "DUAL MAGNUM - TRANSPLANTED BELL PEPPERS." Click on the ALLSTAR symbol. Dual Magnum should not be incorporated; it should be applied to damp soil or followed by 0.25 inch of rain or irrigation for activation. . The application rate is in a range of 4 to 9 fl. Dual Magnum is a pre-emergence herbicide that provides suppression of several annual grasses and broadleaves, and also suppresses yellow nutsedge. . Wetting this herbicide in improves its performance and dry weather after application may reduce . DUAL GOLD Pre-emergent Weed Control (149.73 KB) Brassicas Crop Program (512.7 KB) Classification and Security Application Advice Other Restriction of Use DO NOT apply to waterlogged soils. The addition of another registered herbicide as a tank mixture with Dual MAGNUM will increase the risk of crop injury. MOA 20 : Casoron (dichlobenil) is a cellulose synthesis inhibitor recommended for fall application to control many annual and perennial broadleaves, grasses and yellow nutsedge. Crop Safety. The application rate is in a range of 4 to 9 fl. It provides effective residual activity for control of common waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, common lambsquarters, velvetleaf, and grasses. Read and follow all label directions. 4. Avoid contamination of aquatic systems during application. b. Dual II Magnum Herbicide is recommended as a pre-plant surface-applied, pre-plant incorporated, or pre-emergence treatment in water or fluid fertilizer for control of most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in beans, peas, and lentils; corn (all types); cotton; grasses grown for seed; peanuts; potatoes; safflowers; sweet, grain, or forage sorghum; soybeans; soybean, immature seed . Label & MSDS also available. It is a soil-applied herbicide with activity on a wide range of . per acre, depending on soil . Within the rate range, use lower rates on soils relatively coarsetextured and - higher rates on fine-textured soils. Use lower rates on coarse-textured soils and higher rates on fine-textured soils. Do not apply PRIMEXTRA II MAGNUM Herbicide at rates greater than 4.0 L/ha. Carefully follow label directions for herbicide and adjuvant rates when applying tank mixes containing Pinnacle. Best way to use this herbicide is to apply it at 1.25 qts/A PRE and then follow with a planned POST application of a herbicide premix like Halex GT or Capreno. In that rate range, use lower rates on . The application rate is 0.67 - 1.33 pints per acre. cyanazine per acre, the same maximum allowable rate of these products that was permitted in 1998. The active ingredient in Dual Magnum is S-metolachlor. Dual Magnum works best when incorporated into the soil. Low pH . 7. Dual II Magnum Herbicide. Reduce PHI to 60 days when used on tomatoes at 1.67 pints or less per acre. Dual Magnum is used primarily in pre-planting and pre-emergence weed control. Do not contaminate these systems through direct application, disposal of waste or cleaning equipment. Top off tank with . Best way to use this herbicide is to apply it at 1.25 qts/A PRE and then follow with a planned POST application of a herbicide premix like Halex GT or Capreno. The application of Dual Magnum prior to bed formation may result in crop injury due to concentration of Dual Magnum near the transplanted crop's root system. In that rate range, use lower rates on soils relatively coarse-textured and higher rates on fine-textured soils. Dual Magnum is widely used in field crop production and is labeled for use on many fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops. 6. cotton. Herbicides and application rates applied in early spring and after brome hay harvest in Pottawatomie and Dickinson Counties in Kansas. Onion seed of hybrid 'Vaquero' was planted on April 5, 2019, in double rows spaced 3 inches . NC-100003 . For effective weed control, Dual Magnum must be applied to clean-tilled soil. On the page that opens, click on the Company Label ID number "IN0816048DA0319." This will open a pdf of the label. . Dual Magnum and Outlook (dimethenamid-p) herbicide rates for similar treatments (PES, EPOST, or PES + EPOST) were based on equivalent herbicide costs/acre. It can be applied post-emergence as a tank-mix partner or in the fall for specific geographies. Thus the maximum allowable per-acre application rates of . Broadcast Application: Apply Dual MAGNUM as a broadcast, pre-emergence soil surface treatment at 0.67-1.33 pts/A (0.64 - 1.27 lb ai/A) after the crop has been planted but before the crop and weeds emerge. . Rate conversion factors are 0.67x for Dual II to Dual II Magnum, 0. . 60 day PHI. Spinach was not injured by any rate of Dual at rates ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 lb AI/A. Preemergence herbicides can be categorized as surface- and the lack of significant foxtail control by either Escort XP or Dual II Magnum treatments, these two treatments will be dropped from this study. Individual plots were 7.33 ft wide (4 beds) by 27 ft long. Tank mix with Aim herbicide, glyphosate, Express* or paraquat for broad spectrum burndown weed control. Command 3ME @ 1 pint/A plus Curbit @ 3 pints/A 10.Command 3ME @ 21 fl oz/A . This is accomplished by the effective use of preplant burndown herbicides or tillage before planting, the use of Prowl, Sonalan, trifluralin . This can also be influenced by soil organic matter content. Use appropriate adjuvants at the right rates. Do not incorporate as this increases the risk of severe injury! 28 days after early post treatment. They also may be applied to crops in the fall, to improve harvesting. Dual Magnum is effective on Palmer amaranth, but once again higher rates are needed for season-long control. 0.5 to 1: paraquat, MOA 22 . A second application of Dual II Magnum or other herbicides containing Dual II Magnum (S-metolachlor) is prohibited when planting the above-mentioned forage double crop in fall. DO NOT apply if heavy rains or storms that are likely to cause runoff are forecast within 2 days of application. / A s-metolachlor) to the soil surface as a preplant or preemergence application i.e. Apply a pre-emergence application using a qualified residual product (Group 3, 14, or 15). The recommendations contained herein are based primarily on herbicide labels researched by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. safflower .. grain or forage sorghum, and soybeans. Apply Dual Magnum at a broadcast rate of 0.33 - 0.67 pt/A to the soil surface as a preemergence application i.e. a. Make a single soil application of Dual Magnum Herbicide in the early spring as a banded treatment to both sides of the sides of the plant canes at 1.0 - 2.0 pt/A (0.95 - 1.90 lb ai/A) prior to weed emergence. Restrictions: tall and within a recommended post-planting window, depending on the program. 3. Use Rates. Labeled rates for these herbicides are also 1.33 pints per acre, but at this rate these herbicides would not provide the same amount of active ingredient as Dual Magnum/Dual II Magnum at the 1.33 pints per acre rate. Rainfastness. prior to crop and weed emergence. It may be applied as preemergence, postemergence treatment, pre-plant surface-applied, or pre-plant incorporated treatment. per acre, depending on soil . Assume you plan to broadcast 1.5 pint per acre of Dual Magnum as a preemergence application. page 1 of 4 epa sln no. to the V3 stage. Get use info for Dual II Magnum herbicide, including tank mixes and PHI in corn. Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide at 0.21 L per hectare in a spray volume of 100-200 L of water and a minimum pressure of 206 kPa (refer to the " MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS " section of this label). Apply Dual Magnum Herbicide at a rate of 1.0 - 1.33 pints/A (0.95-1.27 lb ai/A) pre-emergence (before the weeds have emerged) to pumpkin. Use the lower Dual . peanuts. Fill tank 9/10 full of carrier and add solution tank-mix partners, if applicable. Do not harvest asparagus within 16 days of the Dual Magnum application . Uses For use on: Herbicide application occurs most frequently in row-crop farming, where they are applied before or during planting to maximize crop productivity by minimizing other vegetation. . 1. Page 5 of 7 NJ-110012 Restrictions: (1) . the EPA has approved labels of Bladex and Extrazine II herbicides for the 1999 season only to beused at 3 lb a.i. Contains an active ingredient that is known for controlling grass and weeds in corn, peanuts, soybeans, and cotton. A few residual herbicides, such as Anthem, Dual II Magnum, FirstRate, Intrro, Outlook, Prefix, Pursuit, Warrant and Zidua, can be applied after soybean emergence. 1 pt/A Needs 0.5" of rain needs for activation. An emergency exemption Section 18 was issued for the use of Dual on spinach and is effective until September 9, 1999. Use the lower Dual Magnum Herbicide rate on soils light in texture (loamy sand or lighter) and low in soil organic matter (less than 3%). Provide adequate furrow closure at planting. pod crops. Preplant incorporated: Two inches deep, within 14 days of planting. One of the keys to success in peanut production is effective early season weed control. 2. Has been used on more corn acres than any other . (3) Do not harvest asparagus . It can be applied post-emergence in soybeans up to the V3 stage. Peanut fields must be kept clean for the first 4 to 6 weeks to maximize yields. Harvest at normal maturity but no closer than 100 days following application. Always use dicamba with traditional . Outlook 18 to 21 oz/A 12 oz/A (24 oz/A max use rate if split . On the page that opens, click on the Company Label ID number "IN0816048DA0319." This will open a pdf of the label. I have seen very good results and limited injury using the 1.0 pints per acre rate. 1.2 to 2.7 pt. 4) I am not a huge fan of using paraquat + Dual Magnum or any other Group 15 herbicide without some Basagran or Storm to cool it down some on the peanut plant. Make a single broadcast application of Dual Magnum Herbicide at 0.5 - 1.33 pt/A (0.48 - 1.27 lb ai/A) pre-emergence (after planting but prior to carrot emergence) to cleantilled soil.- Use lower rates on medium-textured soils and higher rates on finetextured soils.- Dual Magnum Herbicide will not control emerged weeds. Mixing Order. . Within the Dual Magnum rate range, use lower rates on coarse-textured soils and higher rates on fine-textured soils. Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) - DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide applied alone Timming - Pre-plant Incorporated Weeds controlled - Nutsedge, Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.25 - 1.75 L Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) - + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480 or 216 g Fieldstar (7) Preplant Incorporated (PPI) and Preemergence (PRE) Herbicides for Weed Management in Sunflowers Herbicide Rate/Acre Broadcast Mode of Action Preharvest Interval Restricted Formulation Active Ingredient Entry Interval Dual Magnum 7.62SC (smetolachlor) 1.01.33 pt 0.961.27 lb 15 None 24 hours asparagus beds in the spring, prior to asparagus emergence. Water Volume. Table 36. Dual Magnum @ 1 pints/A plus Command 3ME @ 1 pint/A plus Reflex @ 1.5 pints/A 7. 5 . Adjust rate to soil type and soil OM by rate chart on label. ai. NC-090004 . Application Rate: 0.5 - 2 pints per acre with ground, aerial, chemigation (see label for details) Preplant: Up to 45 days (split application) or less than 30 days (single or split application) before planting. Apply Dual MAGNUM Herbicide at a broadcast rate of 0.33 - 0.67 pt./A (0.32 - 0.64 lb. Dual II Magnum can be applied at a rate of 1 to 1.33 pints per acre as a post-emergence treatment to . 2.5 qts/A rate of Acuron provides 0.65 lbs ai of atrazine. . In that rate range, use lower rates on soils relatively coarse-textured and higher rates on fine-textured soils. The application should be directed to the soil surface to avoid direct contact with the crop foliage or crop injury may occur. A few residual herbicides, such as Anthem, Dual II Magnum, FirstRate, Intrro, Outlook, Prefix, Pursuit, Warrant and Zidua, can be applied after soybean emergence. Do not harvest pumpkins for 30 days following the application of Dual Magnum Herbicide. or preemergence treatment In water or fluid fertilizer for control 'of most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in com (all types). a. NC-100001 . Benefits: APPLICATION INFORMATION Applications of BOUNDARY Herbicide Tank Mix made at rates above those recommended may result in burning, yellowing or stunting of the crop. Bicep (Dual II Magnum + Atrazine) Rate: 1.6 to 2.6 qts/A. The application rate of Ultra Blazer should not be more than 1.5 pint/acre. A pre-emergence application of Bicep II Magnumor Dual II Magnum herbicides provides foundation control of yield-robbing early-season weeds and enough residual to last until a post application of either Halex GT tank mixed with atrazine, the active ingredient found in AAtrex 4L or AAtrex Nine-O herbicides, or Touchdown Total tank mixed with Preemergence: Apply Dual Magnum Herbicide at a rate of 1.0 to 1.33 pints/A (0.95-1.27 lb ai/acre) pre-emergence (before the weeds have emerged) to pumpkin. or-200004 Apply Dual Magnum as a banded treatment to both sides of the blueberry row at 0.67 - 1.3 pt/A (0.64 - 1.24 lb ai/A) prior to weed emergence. prior to crop and weed emergence. Herbicide Treatments, 2011 6. The application rate is 0.67 - 1.33 pints per acre. Herbicides were applied to 6 ft by 30 ft plots with each treatment replicated 4 times in a RCBD. 5. Positives. Restrictions: (1) Make only one application of Dual Magnum Herbicide per crop. oil-based formulations) but NIS @ 0.25% v/v (1 qt/100 gallons) is suggested when using Anthem Flex, Warrant, or Zidua. A slight variation in the application rate with some chemicals may result in poor control of the pest or injury to the crop or environment, causing lost time, effort and money. prior to transplanting bell pepper plants (do not incorporate). Dual Magnum herbicide: Half-life: 48 days; Benefits: While an activating rain is required for any herbicide application, Dual Magnum offers longer soil residual activity to fight weeds like annual grass and small-seeded broadleaf weeds. Application Rate Split Application Rate Additional Notes Dual Magnum (or generic S-metolachlor) 1 to 1.66 pt/A Cannot exceed 2.67 pt/A postemergence. Only one application is allowed per season and it has 28 days PHI. being controlled and the infestation herbicides achieve depends on the application rate, amount and level. . Figure 1. Dual Magnum Herbicide is a highly effective herbicide that controls most annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Soil pH also affects the performance of some herbicides by influencing the degree of attraction to soil particles. Uniformly applying herbicides at proper rates is essential for effective weed management. Tlcharger la retranscription. Me-Too-Lachlor II is a herbicide recommended as a preplant surface applied, preplant incorporated, or pre-emergence treatment in water or fluid fertilizer for control of most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in Field corn, Sweet corn, and Popcorn. oz. That is the reason small changes in percent organic matter may require herbicide rate changes. Rate tables may have several columns with different herbicide rates for different levels of organic matter in each soil type. Contact the Arizona Department of Agriculture for further information about obtaining a permit to use Dual herbicide. Use the non-ionic surfactant AGRAL 90 at 0.20% v/v. See program details for specific . if such terms and conditions are unacceptable, return the dual magnum herbicide at once unopened or use the dual magnum herbicide for a different approved use in accordance with the label affixed to the product container. Fill tank 1/2 full of carrier and add DUAL MAGNUM SOYBEAN Herbicide. Be aware of generic S-metolachlor products not labeled for sugar beets. Dual Magnum. VLCFA inhibitors 15 Dual Magnum, Outlook, Warrant, Zidua Photosystem I inhibitors 22 Gramoxone . Postemergence Herbicide Options. Requires 0.75 to 1 inch of moisture for herbicide activation. Also known as S-metolachlor, this herbicide provides good control over broadleaf weeds, sedges and annual grasses. x. Download transcript. This product contains a petroleum distillate which is moderately to highly toxic to aquatic organisms. 7.0 STORAGE Keep inoriginal container, tightly closed, during storage. Recommended as a preplant surface-applied, preplant incorporated or preemergence application, Dual Magnum herbicide is used to manage annual grass and small-seeded broadleaf weeds. The application rate is in a range of 4 to 9 fl oz per acre depending on soil type. Use Restrictions. Bicep (Dual II Magnum + Atrazine) Rate: 1.6 to 2.6 qts/A Positives a. The tank holds 240 gallons. Herbicides are chemicals used to manipulate or control undesirable vegetation. The application rates in a single application are 12 to 18 fl oz per acre on coarse-texture soils and 14 to 21 fl oz per acre on medium-texture or fine-texture soils. Application Information. Dual II MAGNUM is a selective herbicide recommended as a preplant surface applied, preplant incorporated, or preemergence treatment in water or fluid fertilizer for control of most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in com (all types), cotton, peanuts, pod crops, potatoes, safflowers, grain or forage sorghum, and soybeans. Outlook herbicide: . Your sprayer has nozzles mounted 19 inches apart along the boom, hence W = 19. Reduces PHI to 60 days when used on sweet potatoes. 8. Use the lower end of the Dual MAGNUM rate range for soils . . (2) Do not apply more than 2.0 pt/A of Dual Magnum Herbicide per crop. Pennant Magnum controls yellow nutsedge, smooth and large crabgrass, and over 20 other ornamental and landscape weeds. preplant incorporated. Use the lower rate on coarse soils. Dual Magnum) 1 to 1.33 pt: 0.95 to 1.26: Pumpkin Postemergent Weed Control; The active ingredient in Dual Magnum is S-metolachlor. Tank mixtures of Spartan and Dual Magnum provide more-complete weed control than what is provided by either herbicide alone. Early POST: Enlist One herbicide (24 fl/oz) + Liberty herbicide (32 fl/oz) + Dual II Magnum herbicide (16 fl/oz) + AMS (2.5% V/V) Late POST: Durango DMA herbicide (36 fl/oz) + AMS (2.5% V/V) . of dual magnum herbicide on crops on this 24(c) label. Dual Magnum (S-metolachlor) Pumpkins, winter squash Mostly grasses and some broadleaf suppression 2/31.33 pints per acre depending on soil type PLEASE SEE OTHER NOTES ON DUAL MAGNUM! Onion Response to Dual Magnum Application Rate and Timing 64 . Dual Magnum Herbicide . (3) Do not exceed 1.33 pt/A (1.27 lb ai/acre) of Dual Magnum Herbicide per crop . Use the lower rate on light, sandy soils and higher rates on fine-textured soils. The application should be directed to the soil surface in a 3 foot band on each side of the blueberry row to avoid direct contact with the crop foliage or crop injury may occur. (5) If a fall preplant application of Dual Magnum Herbicide was used for nutsedge, only one post-emergent application at a maximum rate of 1.33 pints/A is allowed. the Dual Magnum Herbicide label), apply Dual Magnum Herbicide at the two (2) true leaf stage of onions at rates of 0.67 - 1.33 pints (0.64-1.27 lb active ingredient) per acre, depending on soil type. Always add a spray surfactant. Use 0.67 pints per acre on young bushes on sandy soils and 1.33 pints per acre on large bushes on heavier soils. Allows a higher application rate to be applied to tobacco. Application Method. It is a soil-applied herbicide with activity on a wide range . Herbicide, Mode of Action Code, and Formation Amount of Formulation per Acre Pounds of Active Ingredient per Acre; Contact kill of all green foliage, stale bed application: paraquat, MOA 22 (Firestorm, Parazone) 3 SL. 5) No adjuvants are needed when Dual Magnum or Outlook are used (i.e. Soil Applied:Apply a single broadcast treatment of Dual Magnum at 0.67 to 1.3 pt/A (0.64 - 1.27 lb ai/A) to the soil surface after planting, but before weeds or crop emerge (i.e., pre- emergence). Dual Magnum @ 1 pints/A plus Command 3ME @ 1 pint/A plus Reflex @ 2 pints/A 8. One additional application of 0.67- Dual Magnum is a selective herbicide recommended as a preplant surface-applied. Use the lower rate . When applied preemergence and at full label rates, Acuron lets you discover 5-15 . Dual MAGNUM may be applied either as a preplant incorporated broadcast . Apply atrazine at a maximum of 1.5 kg a.i./ha per year either as a pre- or post-emergent application before corn reaches 30 cm in height. Approved PRIMEXTRA II MAGNUM 25730 2019-09-04 Page 4 of 18 GROUND APPLICATION: USE ONLY ON CORN. herbicide label and other information about the proper ap-plication and timing of each herbicide. If Dual Magnum Herbicide is applied Location: Murray, KY. Products/rates: Zidua WG herbicide 1.33 oz/A (Zidua SC herbicide equivalent = 2.22 fl oz/A) vs Dual II Magnum herbicide 21 oz/A (both Applied Early POST with Liberty 32 oz/A V3 soybeans). Admire Pro Systemic Protectant . (6) Do not apply more than 2.68 pints per acre to dry bulb onions as a combined total across all application timings and use patterns to produce that crop. 2.5 qts/A rate of Acuron provides 0.65 lbs ai of atrazine. Soybean cannot be used for livestock grazing or feeding after an application of Ultra . b. Length and effectiveness of residual activity from in-crop herbicide application will vary depending on: Weed species present; Application rate of herbicide; Rainfall or irrigation following application (minimum of 0.5 inch within a week of application is ideal to activate residual herbicide) . Start clean with tillage or a burndown herbicide at labeled rate. Dual Magnum 7.62 E ( S -metolachlor) is a PRE herbicide labeled for both non-bearing and bearing blueberries for control of annual grasses and broadleaves and nutsedge. Has been used on more corn acres than any other . 0-5" . Effects of Weather. To avoid confusion between commercial formulations, suggested rates listed in Tables 1 and 2 are stated as pounds of active ingredient per acre (lb. The addition of another registered herbicide as a tank mixture with Dual Magnum will increase the risk of crop injury from postemergence applications. It is registered for use on a variety of crops, such as corn, cotton and soybean. How to calculate Open all | Application rates Herbicide per acre There is a 30-day pre-harvest interval. potatoes. oz. Herbicide. a.i./A). Make only one application per crop. and Cadet (Fluthiacet-methyl). Dual Magnum @ 1 pints/A plus Command 3ME @ 1 pint/A plus Sandea @ 2/3 oz/A 9. Dual Magnum may be applied either pre-plant or post-transplant. Apply in the late fall .

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