One that gets encrypted tactical frequencies. However, Russo managed to retreat onto the Carousel itself, giving the Punisher time to bandage up his leg before returning to the fight. And all life is, is just trying not to be. Waiting outside of the diner, Castle bolted through an alley once a large truck went by and ran inside a building, climbing its stairs with a sidearm in hand. See, the way I operate, the way I handle situations like this I kill the enemy before they get to me. But . Bendix sat down, proud of herself and said Castle would be a good father. Castle tried to get away, but was ambushed by many of Jigsaw's men, slashing and shooting Castle as he yelled for Russo. The origin serves as a sort of inversion of the backstory for Batman and Spider-Man, as the death of Frank's loved ones causes him to become just as violent as their killers. As the Punisher sat with Madani and held her head in his lap, he had heard the sound of the New York City Police Department coming to their location, but made no attempt to escape. His goal, like Hulk's, was to kill the scientists who were trying to find a cure for the virus. Castle then asked Madani what she wanted and Madani answered that the CIA was informed about a high-profile target and Madani needs help to eliminate him. Castle dodged many punches in the closed off elevator, doing his best to not harm them too much. Castle and the girl then drove off into the night, determined to learn the truth behind the attack. You know, up close, I'd rather have this than any firearm.Frank Castle to Zach Lieberman, That skull? The Punisher then left Russo's corpse behind, allowing Brett Mahoney to discover it with Hoyle and Madani, who both denied that the Punisher was actually the one who had finished Russo off. There's also Frank's war record, which has apparently either been wiped or classified. Castle had then noted that he knew Barrett had previously sold guns to the Russians, which Barrett tried to dismiss, although Castle then explained that he needed to meet up with Konchevsky, while Barrett confirmed that he actually knew Konchevsky. When Homeland Security's assistance, Castle is informed that Billy Russo has escaped from the custody and she needs Castle to put him down once and for all. [31], Don't shoot! For the first four episodes (including "Dogs to a Gunfight," "New York's Finest," and "Penny and Dime"), Murdock's quest to find the "army" that took down the Irish mob (which was really just Castle) consumed the main plot of the season. With all those who had a hand in the deaths of his family lying dead in morgues, in the streets and other places throughout Hell's Kitchen, the Punisher accepted closure and proceeded to burn away the last memories of his former life, setting his home on fire. With the lights came loud noises and gunfire. As Lisa commented on how Russo was an orphan, and could not know his name's origin, they all laughed as Maria promised they were all Russo's family. Castle did not listen to Mahoney's orders, using Page as a human shield to get him to an elevator. Having discovered the truth, Castle then allowed himself to be captured by Russo and Rawlins, until he eventually killed Rawlins and, in a brutal showdown, managed to disfigure Russo's face beyond repair. Despite Castle's warnings, Daredevil continued to make comments about how wartime affected people and how it changed them, but Castle dismissed all these views as Daredevil was not a soldier and had never been to war. While hunting down all of those involved, Castle then came back in contact and reunited with his best friend Billy Russo, who he eventually learned was working with William Rawlins to try to assassinate Castle. Castle, however, was so bloodthirsty that he prepared to execute the man, so Daredevil knocked the pistol out of Castle's hand before the two engaged in an unarmed fight, which ended with Daredevil defeating Castle and revealing that the man was just a patsy to bait Castle. Images: Patrick Harbron/Netflix; Giphy (3), Randy Roth From 'A Rose For Her Grave' Is Still In Prison, The Subject Of This Netflix True Crime Doc Is Now Guilty Of Murdering His Wife & Son, Morgan Doughty Filed A Lawsuit Against The Murdaugh Family, Heres How To Watch The Alex Murdaugh Trial Live, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. Castle went back to Billy Russo's warehouse and watched from above as Brett Mahoney surveyed the scene of two deaths: Anton Reed and Bobby. [15], For her, there was never going to be any tomorrow, see. The Punisher: 10 Times Frank Castle Killed Someone Who Didn't - CBR Castle left by himself and walked alone into the night, thinking about his actions. Daredevil (2003) - IMDb He was taken on a stretcher and moved to an ambulance for treatment for his life-threatening injuries while the city's news reporters gathered around and photographed the now infamous Punisher being arrested by the police. With Jon Bernthal, Amber Rose Revah, Ben Barnes, Jason R. Moore. This is S2, S3 is really good though,it is definitely worth a watch. After continuing his beating at the wall, Castle took his lunch and went on top of the roof of the building, unwrapping his sandwich and looking at the other workers going out to lunch. As paramedics escorted Quinn away, she begged him to look after Rex Quinn. Transferred to Ryker's Island for imprisonment, Castle was escorted by Roy Olsky to meet with Wilson Fisk. Come on, these guys ain't shit. ""Something like that.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. Having cleared out all of the Anvil agents, Castle then gotten back in contact with Dinah Madani, as he requested that she come alone to a secure location. Castle strapped the last remaining member of the bikers to the driver's seat of the truck and made him drive to the meeting point. In one of the "What If" comics, Wolverine gets turned into a vampire, giving him additional powers on top of his already formidable kit. The Punisher | Fight Scene | Daredevil Season 2 | (2016) HD. 'The Punisher': What to remember before watching | As Quinn had expressed her confusion, Castle just explained that his past could embarrass powerful people, without mentioning Homeland Security directly, which had resulted in him using the name "Pete Castiglione," as Castle also denied being a criminal. The two fight, which prompts Punisher to start firing. Despite Castle's pleas, both families were slaughtered. Upon returning to New York City, the Punisher tracked down Mickey O'Hare, the last remaining member of the Kitchen Irish who had been attempting to catch a flight from JFK International Airport and return home to the safety of Ireland. Castle had later realized that Amy Bendix had also managed to leave the Apartment, until he heard a knock at their door, with Bendix then announcing her presence. He talks very loud and very often.Frank Castle, Jr. and Frank Castle, Sr. During his leave from the United States Marine Corps, Castle and Billy Russo had reunited in New York City, where Castle invited Russo to join him as he took his family for a day out at Central Park. Something tells me you'll make do.Wilson Fisk to Frank Castle, One shot one kill. However, Castle had then witnessed Clive attempting to reach his hand underneath a sofa and grabbed his hidden shotgun, only for Castle to rush over as he had grabbed the shotgun out of his hands, swiftly disarming Clive. Daredevil sensed there was a substantial amount of gunpowder below decks, which would cause a massive explosion if the gasoline from earlier was ignited. In the car, Hoyle teased Castle about how impatient he was and claimed that Castle could not stay in one place, that was why he always looked for a fight. However, before the money would be collected from Frank Castle's Van, the bomb which Castle had left exploded, killing Rafe and destroying the cash. Micro found Henderson in a cabin in Kentucky. While he was opening birthday cards from his two children, Castle cheered as he discovered that his wife had bought him tickets to go and see a Bruce Springstein concert when he returned home, which Castle then proudly showed off to Billy Russo. Giving her some blood-covered money, Castle watched the girl argue with the Debbie for a room before she returned. Fearing for his life, Barrett had insisted that he had been forced to betray him by the Russians, although the Punisher insisted that he should not worry, since Barrett had done exactly what he had wanted him to do, much to his considerable annoyance as they both then insisted that they did not want to see each other again. When Jon Bernthal joined season 2 ofDaredevil as The Punisher, fans immediately began speculating that a solo series was on the way. As Castle and Daredevil continued to fight, Samantha Reyes ordered the New York City Police Department to aim their largest lights at the roof to expose Castle and Daredevil while the SWAT teams began shooting at them. Daredevil tried to learn more about him, but Castle just told him to stop digging to try and get some kind of better understanding of his mindset. Castle soon got a call from Pilgrim, who said that he would deliver Bendix if Castle got David Schultz. Ultimately, however, Micro is killed by a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. Charlie Cox Spotted in NYC Ahead of Daredevil: Born Again Production,The devil of hell's kitchen is getting solo spotlight in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Luckily, Castle gunned down the attackers and smashed his way through the roadblock, reaching the hospital just in time. When one man had almost shot him, the Punisher pushed him back and shot in twice in the gut and then in the face. As they stood outside the building, Castle then suggested that he could kick the door down, although Bendix commented on the size of the door and that he would be unable to. In that state? Meat was spilling out of her, Red. Kept in handcuffs, Castle was brought to speak with them, as Hernandez ordered Castle's handcuffs to get taken off. When Castle hung up, he got a call from Bendix, who was in fact not with Pilgrim. The old man was at every single game I played at, every single one. After he reluctantly grabbed a sandwich from Chavez, Castle's scars were discovered by him, covering up to avoid any suspicion. With no other choice, the Punisher did as Russo instructed as Russo lowed his weapon from the kids, threatening that if they did not shut up he would shoot them both. Micro told him that he has made arrangements for Henderson to receive a decent burial.[11]. Once Micro hung up the phone, Castle packed up his bags and left the diner, paying his bill as he went. Micro watched on his computer and panicked, calling Castle on the phone he left him. [9] As they completed one of their trainings together, Castle and Russo both underwent the gauntlet, in which they would walk through all their fellow marines while getting beaten down to prove their endurance as well as their physical strength, as Castle had given Russo a mocking prep talk before he went through the gauntlet first, making it to the end. A man blinded by toxic waste which also enhanced his remaining senses fights crime as an acrobatic martial arts superhero. Castle started to tracking and eliminating all members of three gangs and other criminals along the way. [34], You make any noise, anything at all, I'm gonna open you up like a bag, I'll watch you bleed out all over the floor. The Hulk's death at the hands of The Punisher shouldn't be possible based on what we know about Bruce Banner and his green alter-ego, but Marvel's alternate universe allows for some discrepancies. However, Russo noted how Arthur Walsh took away Russo's love of their game when Walsh attempted to sexually molest him as a child, while Walsh had been one of his careers at the children's home. As the evening wore on, Castle continued speaking with Quinn, as he had explained that he was staying in the Tides Motel and was simply passing through the state, although Castle still remained careful not to share too many details about his plans. Bendix brought up Castle's daughter, Lisa Castle and asked if he ever envisioned her going off to college. In order to lighten the mood, Castle jokingly reassured Rex by suggesting that he could be a fan of the New York Rangers, since he had noticed that this was not a team that Rex had supported, while they agreed that the Rangers were a bad team. ""Rawlins gave the order, did Billy Russo pull the trigger? One of the greatest things Ive ever done in my life was decide to finally start watching Daredevil (which was actually right after it got cancelled with the other shows) and seeing this scene made me realize just how iconic the show really is and made me appreciate the characters even more. Castle and Olin are locked up in a cell with Bruce Ogden. In the evening, Castle visited St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church where Hoyle organized a group therapy session for other veterans. As two of them fight, Cap tells Frank that he used to be a good soldier, but is now only a disgrace. Hoyle told Castle that he had a shot too, but also hesitated. All you gotta do is tell him that this guy, he's got the photos and he's got the girl. However, Castle then witnessed the Russian grabbing Barrett and kidnapping him, although Castle chose not to help Barrett. Following his fight against John Pilgrim, the Punisher was called up by Curtis Hoyle, who informed him that Billy Russo had just spoken to him and was currently dying from blood loss on the floor of the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. I don't know anything. This rooftop argument scene between Daredevil and the Punisher - Reddit Castle and Daredevil continued fighting as they dodged the many bullets being fired at them. Castle returned to the RV the next morning and saw two cars there. ""You killed him? Francis David "Frank" Castle, Sr., is a former United States Marine-turned-violent vigilante. While attempting to arrest him, Hoyle came from behind him and aimed at Mahoney the rifle he took from Phillip earlier. The enraged Castle was then dragged off Orange by Billy Russo and Gunner Henderson while Orange fell to the floor in agony, with Russo then pulling Castle aside and declaring that he was not protecting Orange from Castle but Castle from himself. Castle took Poloznev outside of the town, demanding information about the photographs and occurred murders. Castle then casually walked down the street and approached Senator Schultz's apartment. And that is where you'll be waiting in the van.Micro and Frank Castle. Did we miss any superhero targets of The Punisher? Getting more suspicious on the sudden phone call, Castle walked over to the waitress and grabbed the phone. I really loved the acting tho, except for Billy. ""He's not gonna get it.Frank Castle and Karen Page. And you killed them for it.""Yeah. Castle paused and asked how old his daughter was: seventeen. The Punisher: Why Frank's Family Was Killed & Who Did It - Screen Rant You see, Castle is not a traditional hero. Micro came to the decision that the only way back to his family is to involve Dinah Madani. Witnessing this, the Punisher had furiously charged at Russo while his back was turned as they wrestled for Russo's weapon, with neither managing to shoot the other until their gun had been thrown aside and they then continued fighting with just their bare fists. As more and more people came around him, Castle prepared himself for a fight, despite being highly outnumbered by the mobsters, all of whom were armed although they claimed to want him alive, shooting Castle in the neck with a dart gun. The last time I'd see her, I'd be holding her lifeless body in my arms. When we join . Despite all his injuries, Castle was able to walk over to Cooley and threaten him with a shotgun, demanding to know who was responsible for the massacre at Central Park. Daredevil: Born Again; Doogie Kamealoha M.D. 10 Most Powerful Characters Punisher Killed In Comics, Ranked - ScreenRant The real Punisher show was Daredevil S02E01-E04. Wikizero - List of Punisher supporting characters [13] Castle also played baseball, and his father attended all of his games. Castle try to find a way to disarm the explosives, until Lewis Wilson, watching from a rooftop, called him. Spider-Man's Most Inappropriate Punisher Joke Nearly Cost Him His Life Several high-profile people are killed and the Punisher is framed, while Karen Page continues her investigation. Frank Castle doesn't have a family. Once Bendix honked the horn, Castle told Pilgrim that Schultz was not there and he did not know where Schultz was. The bomber called the show to spout his rhetoric, ending his call with sic semper tyrannis. Castle hunted down the last man on the ship, engaging in a brief gunfight. Once Castle had returned inside Dinah Madani's Apartment, he then found Amy Bendix in a panic, as she had desperately attempted to escape from the bedroom that he had locked her inside. With this information, Castle was told that his crusade of violence would never end before he fatally stabbed Dutton in the gut and then attempted to escape the block. Dismissing Castle's questions about how she had started working for Fiona, Bendix then continued discussing how she had watched her friends bleeding out in their motel room and she had been unable to run away as Pilgrim had come back into the room.