Do you remember when Strelkov was lamenting how few younger men were joining the cause in May and June of that fateful time? prayers when we suddenly find ourselves in extremis. That really was a harbinger article. Just as an add, my fathers brothers bones were never found after the war (II). Dmitry Orlov May 31 2022 32250 Western Collapse From the Archives Christianity Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete Dmitry Orlov May 26 2022 65444 From the Archives The Suicidal American Empire Is Collapsing Fast, But Its Death Now Would Cause Unacceptable Collateral Damage Dmitry Orlov May 19 2022 26350 Russian and Ukrainian economies were conceived of as a unit, based on the same set of plans, standards and regulations. To wit, the US national anthem: "the rockets red glare gave proof through the night that our flag was still there." It was only a week ago when Dmitry Orlov's name first started making its way into the NHL trade deadline chatter that fuels the . Not doing so sends the signal that no matter what the other southwestern Oblasts do, they will not be accepted either. Ditto for numerous other biological life forms. Today was City Center for a meeting. Rockets are strategically important: if the other side's rockets give it the ability to destroy your side with impunity, then your strategy is to negotiate the terms of your surrender. collapse of the USSR during the 1990s. Russian Flashmob Sings Famous WW2 Song (Smuglyanka). Catherine had an outstanding intellect. Stay well and happy Dmitry, I love your thoughts. Russia will bloody the West. Reply. Perhaps the invading barbarians will see this and die laughing; but what if they dont? Still, Ive got scores more growing from seed, cuttings and will give marcotting a good go this spring. So far at least they havent purged his wifes page,and she is still shown as Ukrainian. An attempt to catch an universe of meaning in some charts and readings. Ive seen peoples car brake down and everyone around runs to help (something I have never seen in any other anglo country). This was, as was to be expected, to no avail. This is not a drill. Dmitry writes on subjects related to economic, ecological and political decline in the West and argues that America is imploding. Whether accurate or not, this is what the USA believesand likely act according to this belief. I well remember false accusations against the dastardly Soviets of bombarding the US Embassy in Moscow with harmful microwave radiation decades ago, but today, far higher and ubiquitous, inescapable, microwave radiation is a veritable blessing, a panacea for the economic Moloch. For the US, very bad times ahead. It only ever belonged to those who could keep their heads above water. Browse for Doan Winkel interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. investigative report by J. Haek, Bellingcat. It seems like Dmitry Orlov and Garnet Hathaway's years of working together are paying off as they team up for the Boston Bruins. It is still going strong in others, but it not to early to imagine (dare I say, predict?) I see a very bleak future for all of us Alfred. For example, financing a reunification party, granting contracts and jobs to the Russian allies there, logistically supporting a secesion movement, even militarily, because the Khazarians will not let go without bloodshed. , . Make snippets of Doberman talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. The inevitable result was that most of the other Soviet republics were able to suck resources out of Russia, making them far more prosperous than Russia itself. Both their governments forced the EU constitution through their throats anyway and that without asking (Lisbon treaty). Anyone who thinks nukes will definitely not be used are deluding themselves. Everybody wants to know how the story ends, but that sort of information probably isnt good for anyones sanity. On paper, the Ukraine imports gas from the EU; physically, the methane molecules piped in from Russia never leave Ukrainian territory; they are simply diverted for local use. Rotowire Feb 16, 2023. Its a poignant thing, these United States. Such is the life of a military men. Thus, Russia provides humanitarian aid, business opportunities, some weapons and some volunteers, and bides its time, because creating a viable new Ukraine out of a defunct one is a process that will take considerable time. My wife and I live in the countryside with our pets, homegrown (and hunted) food and alcohol. There may be something to this belief: when we suddenly In my latest interview with best selling author Dmitry Orlov we discuss lifestyle and how your lifestyle decisions may dramatically impact how your family will fare if times get tough. For example, they do not buy Russian natural gas directly but through intermediaries in the EU and at a mark-up (part of which they pocket). Rockets are important. The Muscovite Russians even instinctively admit that this heritage is not really theirs, so that they name their currency ruble from rubaty to chop off parts of the hrivna silver or gold coins,and the Muscovite Russians adopt the two-headed eagle symbol of old imperial Byzantium, not the trident, as old Byzantium was actually a rival of Kyivan Rus and fought some wars with the Kyivan realm.The first khokhol by hairstyle documented in history was none other that Great King Sviatoslav Ihorevych the Conqueror, notably campaigning against Greek Byzantium.Unfortunately, starting with Great King Ivan so-called Terrible,he forever broke away from the heritage of Kyivan Rus primarily by what he did to the city-state-republic of Nogvorod, one of the oldest bastions of Kyivan Rus and how he and his son exterminated the original population of that city (that would stand as one of his greatest crimes), not to mention his weird devil-worshipping cult of oprichhina. Neither campaign comes anywhere near the US mainland. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything, if given enough time. dmitry orlov interview And God forbid that the Anglos lose their parasitic way of life and (horror) are compelled to live like the vast majority of humanity in the developing world from Africa to Asia to Latin America to the Middle East. I am now a pensioner , with enough Money to be able to live almost anywhere I would choose still I returned to my native Country, with which I dont agree very much but I did it .. because I am a Dane and ..may be naively ..hoped in spite of being a completely insignifficant elderly person to be able to make a small those years I have left of this Life. In spite of this confused linguistic situation, Ukrainian was imposed as the language of instruction throughout the country. I disagree. On April 16, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced that Kiev had submitted an application to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, calling for coercive measures against Russia to release the Ukrainian sailors detained in Russia for having illegally crossed the Russian border near the Kerch Strait. of vulgar terms for female genitalia: they form a sacred portal I love Dmitry; I have all of his books, but Ive always known that his creativity is best expressed as fiction. They will continue to see poison as good food, lethal enemies as trustworthy friends. If they cant keep their hegemony and rape and pillage a volont, they happely use nukes and worse to destroy the world. Usually it is as simple as clicking on the adblock icon in your browser, and choosing the disable on this page or domain option. An Android App has been developed by one of our supporters. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. Catherine founded the first institution in Russia for educating girls. soldiers Petrov and Boshirov went to work at the arsenal, learning to He is a nationalist, and he cares about genetics too much in my personal opinion. I dont know. I was most horrified by his scenario of an engineered nuclear leak to damage Ukrainian agriculture in the service of a political goal! The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts, The Essential Saker III: Chronicling The Tragedy, Farce And Collapse of the Empire in the Era of Mr MAGA,,,, Terminology (last update January 25th 2021), Moderation Policy (UPDATED December 13th, 2021), The Essential Saker III free PDF download, Making sense of NATO strikes against Russia. The Dutch voted against the EU constitution and so did the French. . Unz Review site is down. advent of the arctic fox need a sacred symbol, which I am happy to The MIC has at least two, and one is in orbit at all times. As soon as it gained independence, it just fell over. Here's Why, Russias Christian Renaissance Explains her Current World Role, Russian Artist Finds Out He is Dying, Paints 1000 Images of Christ. Eventually the place will become nearly empty, which seems to be precisely what Ukraine and its handlers seek to achieve. Western sanctions hurting the West more than Russia. And the drought seems only to be worsening. There is little doubt that young people, who have already been bled dry by poor job prospects and ridiculous student loans, have nothing to look forward to either. That was a mighty interesting and at times amusing read. Sam: Have your views become somewhat darker since you published The Five Stages of Collapse a few years ago? Not a single buyer has taken an aircraft for delivery, despite 5000 orders outstanding for this model. By now the Ukraine has lost most of its industry and the Soviet-era infrastructure has decayed to the point where much of it is worn out and on the verge of collapse. And they hired 22 year olds from the UK or Germany. Hes talking about the Russia we know, and the US we know. tends to become affected: the anal sphincter relaxes, sometimes . Dmitry Orlov - Wikipedia I fear that in the new liberalist oligarchic Russia they have managers (generally trained in very expensive western universities/think thank) but not statesmen and overall statesmen with an original strategic view for a national independent interest like the old USSR had. Make snippets of Dobie talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. And so brave The Ukrainian language is some combination of southern Russian village dialects with a bit of Polish thrown in as flavoring. American world order itself are premised upon their own ruthless exploitation of the Global South and developing nations in general. These old European nations are all aging out, not just in terms of demographics but in terms of the maximum age allotted by nature to any given ethnos. Prior to this Bolshevik effort, Ukraina was not used as a proper political or geographic designation. This was the opening talk to the 3 day conference The New Emergency: Managing Risk and Building Resilience in a Resource Constrained World. If so, we should expect a strong emphasis on continuity, with Putin maintaining some measure of control over national politics as a senior statesman. The u.s. regulators did what u.s. regulators have been instructed to do since the raygun regime dont interfere with corporate profiteering. Is it not always a good idea to analyze? Lack of textbooks in Ukrainian and lack of teachers qualified to teach in Ukrainian caused the quality of public education to plummet, giving rise to several generations of Ukrainians who dont really know Ukrainian, have had little formal instruction in Russian, and speak a sort of informal half-language. The question of his ethnicity is irrelevant. The new manager types are trained under a programme known as Management Personnel Pool, run by the Graduate School of Public Administration at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. These guys would not even take a walk to the beautiful Esplanade that is only 5 minutes away. A military coup? Podcasts, cartoons, and commentary sent twice per week. cross is for your own good self: on it you will be crucified during , , , , , , , , , , , , , . If thats true, its depressing. We can imagine that this swirling tide of humanity, ejected from Western Europe, will head east, slosh against the Great Wall of Russia, and flood back into the west, but now armed with Ukrainian weapons and knowhow and entertaining thoughts of plunder rather than employment. They are taking their families, wives and children, with them and going home. The word is a Latin French Voice Jury Marvel at Orthodox Seminarians' Breathtaking Performance, What is the Single Most Important, Most Beautiful Thing in Orthodox Christianity? But the people of Donetsk and Lugansk are not like that at all. Dmitry Orlov: The USA, as some set of institutions that serves the interests of some dwindling number of people, is likely to continue functioning for quite some time. Poroshenko got into second round by outright fraud, because the loss of this election would, within the Ukrainian political food chain, instantly convert him from predator to prey. Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling elites? The people are as good as anywhere, but only as trained as their culture tells them to be. In response, many people are starting to think that Armageddon might be nighan all-out nuclear exchange, followed by nuclear winter and human extinction. Most interesting interview of Dmitry Orlov - The Vineyard of the Saker Most interesting interview of Dmitry Orlov 11093 Views December 02, 2014 25 Comments I want to draw your attention to a recent interview of Dmitry Orlov by by Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity . Answer? It can be proved. Due to the pitiless impact of the Law of Exponents the end may be ten years or less away. Dmitry Orlov (banker) - Wikipedia One often hears More than one has clearly stated to me that they have to get their children out of the ever more hedonistic populated areas and go back to the basics. Thanks from me, too, an enjoyable read on a very tricky theme. Why the Bruins added Dmitry Orlov, Garnet Hathaway for Stanley Cup run Dmitry Orlov | Wisconsin School of Business Skip to main content Undergraduate Undergraduate Program Become the next great business leader at the Wisconsin School of Business. Great essay. The notion that Lugansk and Donetsk would represent an unbearable burden on Russia makes little sense, especially after stating that these are traditional Russian lands with ethnically Russian population, and that they are highly developed and with a lot of industry and capable people. But by far the most significant change in Russian politics is that a new generation of regional leaders has been put into place. The views expressed are solely those of the authors and may or may not reflect those of The Saker Blog. Global Research News Hour Episode 156 By Michael Welch and Dmitry Orlov, October 23, 2016 . They are also fanatic enemies of renewable energy, and proponents of fossil fuels, particularly coal, And most of them have children, who they are condemning to a life of Hell on Earth, and a premature and wretched death. She built, through canny exploitation of foreign nobles financial troubles (esp. fires in the dead of winter, bleaching of the Norfolk Island coral reefs (the most southerly)and mass fish deaths in our one major river system, the Murray-Darling. She expanded the empire and built many of the beautiful buildings that today are signatures of Russias Golden Age. Inside of it is NATO, which is an occupying force across most of Europe right up to the Russian border. These can sometimes confound his conclusions. Even in Russia it took close to a decade to thwart the political power and influence of the oligarchy. USA is just insane. He like to play with toy soldiers (literally). NATO vs. Russia, Explained In One Picture, EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia's, Trump Lied to the American People Last Night, 23 Times in 7 Minutes, Destroying his Presidency. But, you know, this is hardly unreasonable of them. I clicked on the ghosthistory link and got a stern warning to not go there, due to possible theft of passwords, etc. Yes, it does not make any sense to potentially provoke a nuclear war unless you are insane. The global die off is already well underway. A decade and a half ago the world went from bipolar to unipolar, because one of the poles fell apart: The S.U. It is terrible for morale to have rockets falling out of the sky and exploding sporadically among your civilian population while your military stands by helplessly. By the way, also, Dmitry Orlov mentions how the Muscovite Russian realm inherited the traditions of the Mongolian Empire,but unfortunately Ivan IV Vasilyevich [the terrible] chose to imitate the very worst practices of the Mongols in wartime but the peacetime administration of the [not yet Muslim] Mongolians notable for its overall toleration of religions, ethnicities, languages, and being all in all rather enlightened,was not imitated. I moved out and am now living temporarily in a luxury apartment on the Esplanade. ", It's been 16 years since I published my article ". They are probably hungry for money and will learn fast who is the boss. Christian Husbands, Ditch the 'Honey Do' List! The question is: who is going to be included and who isnt? Scott, also. I helped win Reagans cold war in the mid 80s in germany mainly by drinking large quantities of good german and Czechoslovakian beer. Christ. There will be a lot of these changes around the world when nations start having free will. between the sacred (that which is holy) and the sacral (that which is The demonizing of Black Lives Matter ( an emotional rather than political slogan) on some of the anti NWO sites just opens the pro Trump, Anglo American people to this manipulation. From what little I have seen of the people east of the Dneipr (from guys like Graham Phillips and Patrick Lancaster), they seem like the sort of folks who could do quite a lot of rebuilding themselves. The acceleration of economic collapse in the West will be likely bring (overt) fascism and warworld war. It is available for download and install by clicking on the Google Play Store Badge above. The other European people havent even been asked whether they wanyted to accept the rules of the EU. If in the future the Ukraine fails completely and fractures into pieces, as appears likely, and if some of these pieces (which might theoretically include not just Donetsk and Lugansk regions but also Kharkov, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk) clamor to join Russia, then Russia would face a serious problem. I havent listened to the interview yet, but Ive just read Orlovs latest essay published today and its utterly brilliant. But well have to see how everything turns out. Ukraine was under Polish-Lithuenian Commonwealth till Chmielnicki gifted the eastern part off the Dniepre river , around 1648, to Russia. U.S. War-mongering Toward Russia Interview with Dmitry Orlov. Even the expert (and he is very well known) author of the book I was working on mentioned this. His major thrust in domestic politics seems to be in maintaining very strict discipline within the government in pushing through his list of priorities. I believe your statements, I am just comparing it to the places where I lived despite being not as good as it used to be its still million times better than USSA, UK and other totalitarian shitholes, As the world continues its descent towards nuclear war many people are incapable of absorbing that sort of upsetting information and choose to ignore it. But leaders and decisions are also in denial. From 1918 to 1948 Khrushchev was politically active in the Ukraine and his entire political career until his move to Moscow (which ended disastrously 18 years later) was spent in the Ukraine. About the only ones with any passion among them are the Nazis who march around with torches and sport Nazi insignia. Alex Jones on the New World Order and the Great Reset, Astrid Stuckelberger on the purpose of the World Health Organisation, Kees Van Der Pijl on why Russia wont lose in Ukraine, Aleksandr Dugin on the Fourth Political Theory. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. You have the US, as a sort of cracked outer shell. The need to be vivid The Ukraines territory was stuck together by the Bolsheviksfirst by Lenin, then by Stalin, then by Khrushchev. Nowadays, after the proto-Blairism of the useful idiots Hawke and Keating (both rewarded by being made rich), the raw, racist, class-hating Evil of the sub Brownshirt grub Howard, the narcissist Rudd and the feminazi incompetent Gillard and then the real descent into The Pit with the raving life-hating, misogynist, Abbott, the hereditary parasite Turnbull and the Pentecostal thug Morrison-well its been quite a long days journey into Hell. The problem of empires is that they imagine themselves to be so powerful that they can allow themselves small miscalculations and errors. Stephen F. Cohen, NYU, Princeton University. Buyers have become acutely aware of faulty business processes where business and government oversight intersect. It just drips of the hubris that is leading the World to a nuclear holocaust. They saw no problem with going out to demonstrate and protest provided they were paid to do it. Orchestrating a smallish but highly publicized radiation leak from one of the ancient Ukrainian nuke plants would probably work. And the fourth Dmitry Orlov: The new pipelines under the Baltic and the Black Sea will be completed, along with the second LNG installation at Sabetta, and Russia will go on supplying natural gas to Europe and Asia. Its a matter of timing; when the US finds itself in a bind and has to focus on critical situations caused by things like war (Venezuela), mayhem at the southern border, stock market crash, racially motivated conflicts and riots, multiple devastating natural disasters which seem to be gaining intensity every year or a combination of these, Russia feeling that the US is exhausted will go ahead and make the move of acquiring these territories and probably along with other ones like Moldova. They are simply copying the liberalist West in everything. for is a way to ennoble our suffering, not to cheapen it with vulgar In my conversations about the Ukraine with many Ukrainians over the years I discovered a shocking truth: unlike the Russians, the Ukrainians seem to have exactly zero ethnic solidarity. It was Lenin who lumped in its eastern regions (Donetsk and Lugansk specifically) who previously were part of Russia proper. of collapse is Russia, having lost an estimated ten million people to At that point many The US was always the way Orlov describes its future. Dimitrys The USA isnt so much a country as a country club tells the essence. No, I dont think so. Bruins' Dmitry Orlov: Gets two assists Monday - Even applied for charity fundraising jobs. The Russian word for it is (pests). Another will be that EUs subsidies to its recent eastern acquisitionsPoland and the Baltics especiallyare likely to be reduced substantially or to go away altogether. I think the reason they had never acted like in Ukraine before was that they feared Russias reaction. It is a psychological condition. He was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), but emigrated to the United States for a while and then returned to Russia. The TRUTH dear Saker is EUROPE , which is the coveted Prize over which the fight is ongoing .. and it is a brutal War , where all means are used .. by all parties implicated ..and only made possible by a corrupted European Elite ..enslaved to an even more sinister Global Elite so far sitting in the driver seat .. but most likely to be replaced in the years coming if I can judge the ANGER smoldering among European populations an Anger which just needs the right Spark and the right Persons to materialize . Yes, these I do expect, leading to the break up of the US. Russia has said it will not wait for the enemy to bring the fight to them. And exercising control requires control circuitry. obscene are really one and the same; swearing is a form of prayer and It is currently a major topic of discussion because of the farcical presidential elections currently taking place there, but more and more one hears the question: Must we continue talking about this? There just isnt anything positive to say about the Ukraine, and people tend to just shake their heads and switch to another channel. The Ukrainians are continuing to lob missiles into the territories of Donetsk and Lugansk, causing sporadic civilian casualties. The US has vacuumed up talent from all over the world, bolstering its economic capacity and the rents extracted by oligo. Whats the point of guesswork? But then the entire system of militarized police is designed to crush any sort of rebellion, and most people know that. Russia has finally lost her soul with the end of USSR. As a whole, or as its constituent nations, it is no longer capable of the exercise of its full sovereignty, having surrendered it to the US. The Russian defenseman is likely to play on a few different pairings as head coach Jim Montgomery figures out which partner. They can certainly be supplemented. Fantastic Interview! Elpidios, Video & Transcript), Communist Infiltrators Planted Pedophiles in the Catholic Church, EPIC - Russians Singing the Book of Revelation (English Subtitles), Fr. I really take exception to Orlov saying how nuclear war will never happen. Good point about the returning, disillusioned vets. Make snippets of Dmoney talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Here in Austfailia we are involved in an election campaign of unprecedented mendacity and viciousness, marked by a truly deranged and literally diabolical campaign by the Pentecostal thug, Morrison, our PM, and the fakestream media, particularly the Murdoch cancer, against any action on climate destabilisation. The Saker: What will happen once Nord Stream II is finished? Once in a while they stage minor skirmishes, suffer casualties and pull back. Yet, earlier in the interview he talks about how those people in the State Dept., etc are completely insane. Like I said, I am not arguing, just making a point. Just so. It was missed by many people I believe. If you click on Advanced button you will get this message: And if you are able to plant a lot of trees, please do so at your earliest convenience. Biggest winners and losers of the NHL Trade Deadline Industry has shut down and the specialists it once employed have either retired or have gone off to work in Russia, in the EU or in the US. So thank you Dmitry Orlov for this updated view. The US is not, as Mr Orliv would have us believe in his cute, facile ultra-nationalist view, a mere dumping ground for immigrants from shithole countries that has been laid to waste and ready to sink. The Damascus explosion blew off the 780 ton silo door and launched the second stage plus its 9 megaton warhead 1000 feet in the air. Just as the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), it had reached its peak of economic and social development just as the USSR was about to collapse, and it has been degenerating and losing population ever since. He is very smart and he knows what he writing about this is my opinion of the man. But, as Ive said before, the USA isnt so much a country as a country club. The key is, for Putin to either get on with the program or get out so new non-liberal president can do what needs to be done.

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