conformity vs individuality in schools conformity vs individuality in schools

Another key driver of school uniform policies is safety. In todays education system, there is an ongoing debate concerning conformity and individuality. For example, a workplace which does not value the employees gender identities, religions, and socio-economic status will likely lead to a decrease in job satisfaction and performance. California's Long Beach Unified School District, for example, has reported a major drop in school crime since instituting a uniform policy in 1994. Also, we will be able to be well rested, and ready for a new school day. Neil Kokemuller has been an active business, finance and education writer and content media website developer since 2007. However, individuality without some amount of conformity is useless. Schools can also more easily spot intruders if someone is walking the halls or enters a classroom without the requisite attire. This occurs when an individual adjusts his behavior to be able to be a member of a certain group. The topic is well-researched first and then the draft is being written. The participants were then ushered into a room where they were asked to estimate the number of beans as a group. Thus, most students were in school during the period they reported being least alert and were released from school at the time they were reaching their peak alertness (School Start Time Study, 2001). Though data is limited, some studies suggest the propensity for student violence is mitigated with conservative uniform policies because they remove some of the social and economic barriers between students. Individuality And Conformity In Education - 1015 Words | Cram I agree with this source, starting schools later could enhance students school performance academically and athletically. The Today Show: Are School Uniforms Helping or Hindering? Regardless of societys views of their union, Janie denies all their criticism and lives happily. This then poses the question; to what degree should schools encourage conformity versus individuality? Becoming a productive, law abiding citizen is important in maintaining order and general respect for one another, but . The number of student falling classes dropped 2.2% and the absentee rate dropped 1.5%.This reveals that kids were arriving on time and the number of student falling classes decreased at least by 2 percent.The article also states Stating school later is the best interest of the student when there is a will there has got to be a way.Its the right thing to do. Jean has also been a research adviser and panel member in a number of psychology and special education paper presentations. A desire for social harmony is another major driver of conformity. This can be seen in our modern society, where there are ongoing debates . This type of outlook is what gives conformity a bad wrap. Can Humans Detect Text by AI Chatbot GPT? Regardless of its form, it can be a powerful forceable to change how large groups behave, to start or end conflicts, and much more. People are debating about how teens need more sleep. The most assertive. This would help with memory, and thorough comprehension of the information. Schools often set early start times like 7:50 am. According, to the video, divergent, Individuality Vs. Conformity In The Public School System, Parents and schools should place great emphasis on the idea that it is all right to be different. Each student has their own unique personal interests and passions. As much as most people like to think of themselves as unique individuals, in reality, humans are social beingsand for the sake of group cohesion, people are evolutionarily driven to fit in. As said in the article The Secret To Fixing Bad Schools students need to become thinkers not test takers. They should be able to take more classes they are interested in rather than classes they need just for graduation required credits. The tussle between schools efforts to conform and kids desire to express their individuality is best portrayed in the movie Stepford Children, in which the behavior of children is modified to assimilate in the society to the extent they become robotic. Individuality And Conformity In Education | If students were allowed more say in their schedules and less strict mandatory classes were put in place, improvements would be seen not only academically but also in. Education is defined in the Benokraitis Soc 3, Third Ed. Did You Know Anxiety Can Enhance Our Relationships? Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School Uniforms Peter Caruso View all authors and affiliations Volume 80, Issue 581 Get access Abstract When we consider whether or not to implement a school uniform pot- icy, we need to understand the validity of each proponent's arguments. This idea of mandatory preparation can be seen from even the youngest grade of compulsory education, kindergarten, as seen in, A shift in the conformity versus individuality attitude concerning mandatory classes and curriculum would cause several benefits to both students and schools. Arthur Dobrin D.S.W. The following are the three types of conformity according to Kelman: It is a temporary behavior change since the compliance stops when there is no group pressure. To address the issue high schools must promote the importance of receiving education instead of focusing on vain ideals which students believe define their importance. Conformity is the compliance with group norms or laws. For instance, twin studies and adoption studies have been conducted to help identify what makes people different from each other. To be on the safer side, get a second opinion, preferably from a private child psychologist or therapist before giving medicines to your teens. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Best Schools for Children Suffering from Sensory Processing Disorder. For instance, a society in which all members collectively agree to conform to certain driving-related behaviorsdriving on the right side of the road, perhaps, or yielding to pedestrianswill experience fewer traffic accidents than a society without such agreements. What is a good education? Schools: Conformity vs. Individuality Synthesis Weeds and Roses. Many people will argue that starting school too late in the morning will cause after school activities -- such as sports and other clubs -- no time to meet before the night ends. But teachers and parents forget that teenage is the time when kids begin to express their individuality. A good education isnt just learning and comprehending, a good education should also teach us how to work well with others, to use our common sense, to expand our range of friends and how we think. it is acting or thinking differently from the way you would act and think if you were alone (pg 188). However, conformity that protects the overall well-being of the groupmutually deciding to respect private property, for instancecan help societies succeed. Today, the desire for acceptanceor the drive to fit inremains a basic human instinct for the vast majority of people. The needs of the students go unheard and are masked by insufficient teachers, cliques, and the need to prioritize popularity and attractiveness. Etymology People have different points of view on length of the school day in America. No new medical advances, no technological . Not all kinds of conformity are the same. Numerous adolescents are not getting enough rest and this is often because of early school begin times. How can overscheduled teenagers attend sports practice or club meetings, finish all of their homework, and perform any family or job obligations in such a short period of time? Individuality And Conformity In Education Though individuality is important to the growth of public school attendees, it must also be balanced by social pressure. A choice lay before each new comer, to join the conformity in hopes of surviving the mercy lacking walls of the school, A rare few may even stand up and push themselves ou Conformity Vs . Schools should adopt a more individualistic approach towards the classes students must take, and less of one concerned solely on test performance, because it would benefit students upon graduation by allowing them to pursue studies that interest them, and also benefit the school, John Taylor Gatto, a former school teacher, of Harpers Magazine, wrote We have been taught (that is, schooled) in this country to think of success as synonymous with, or at least dependent upon, schooling (Gatto). Schools should promote dress code individuality because of religious aspects, mental health, and human experience. Conformity in schools kills teens' individuality | SecureTeen Parenting This causes a decrease in success and in class participation, because the student may not remember the material. In practice. Successful conformity in today's workplace does not include limiting individuality and forcing . Prioritizing individuality in the schools allows students to be free of constraints, and to increase their want to learn through being able to differentiate and personalize their schedules. Every human being has a certain level of individuality and its loss can significantly injure a society. Sadly, this question has never been answered. School is an institution that can serve as a massive gate in life granting you access to a job, stability, and a future or it can become a giant pillar in the way of everything you wish to achieve. Gutting and Edmundson both blame the structure of the education system, but at the same time it sounds like the change needs to come only from students. Any person who doesnt fit into that box, doesnt excel in standardized testing, doesnt have the chance to succeed in life. On the other side, some professors try to force students into a nine hour school day. Though psychological research has examined many aspects of conformity and related concepts, researchers have typically focused on two main types of conformity: informational and normative. The amount of interest in education and acceptance of individuality is soon lost after finishing this system. First of all, many students feel as if getting a high score will allow them to achieve admission into their college of choice. on October 6, 2022 in Am I Right? She stated, its not the fault of teenagers that they cant concentrate Adolescents simply dont have the same mental capacities as an adult (A. Hill 2010). Thomas Henricks Ph.D. on October 18, 2022 in The Pathways of Experience. For example, a guest, who got invited to a birthday party, does not really like eating vegetables. The first part of the day would include teachers introducing new topics, or testing on what was previously taught. The four-day school week is unreasonable in its demands of students, whose productivity levels would drop as their hours of sleep. The fact that the school system cares more about the student dress code than their education is an issue in itself. It should be a place of expressing ourselves freely in a learning environment without having to worry about what we wear as an interfering issue. The educational system is flawed and it does not prepare students to become successful adults. Conformity is typically defined as the expectation of employees to adapt to company policies and standards and use traditional business practices to complete job functions. The intrinsic value of anything is often given a hidden meaning. Conformity was first studied by Arthur Jenness(1932) who asked research participants to individually estimate how many beans does a bottle contain. Informational conformity occurs when individuals look to the group to seek informationdeciding what products to buy, for instance, or which non-group members can be trusted. Do school uniforms make a difference or not? Although, America makes it indispensable for students to take compulsory classes as a way of conformity it still sanctions the students to express their individualism with our dressing, our cull of electives and extra Co-curricular activities. Most middle schoolers and high schoolers are sleep deprived because school starts too early. Education is more than schooling. These behavioral patterns are part and parcel of teenage life and more prominent among the teens who have a strong sense of individuality. Schools want students to be able to think for themselves and create a sense of who they are, but it is not easy when they are forced to abide by rules that take away from from that. Schools: Conformity vs. Individuality - SlideServe This is especially true as kids get older and can become resentful of their inability to choose personal clothing styles. When you force students to conform with uniform standards, you can deter gang activity because gangs often identify themselves with clothing styles or colors. However, this may not be the best move for schools or for long-term student success. The amount of tests students take in High School is ridiculous. It is exceedingly difficult for teenagers to focus for eight hours at a time, let alone ten. Individuality refers to the quality that distinguishes a person from others. A healthy amount of conformity can lead to increased social harmony, on both interpersonal and societal levels. This then leads to many students feeling less than if their standardized test schools do not comply with their personal standards or to their peers achievements. We all know Thanksgiving is a colonialist holiday rooted in the genocide of Native Americans. Conformity was first studied by Jenness while studies which are related with individuality include twin studies and adoption studies. Therefore, the, The students needs, and goals are overlooked by the school and students are told what the most important goals are. Conformity vs. Individuality Theme in Uglies | LitCharts Starting school too early are preventing many teenagers from getting the sleep they need to start off their day. Individuality leads to innovation and strengthens a society unlike conformity, which sets limits on progress. Most schools start really early, causing students to not get enough sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, teenagers require around 8 to 10 hours of sleep in order to function at full capacity; otherwise, they will not be productive in school (National Sleep Foundation n.d.). Conformity does give results in the shape of well-adjusted kids, but at the cost of passionate, creative, smart and lively individuals. This undying desire to succeed on standardized tests is causing major problems in many teens lives that would be absent without the mentality that succeeding on standardized tests is a major way to gain admission into a. America has come a long way in its education system. One of these things is to fit in (par. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. Public opinions on the length of the school days are different. On the outside, Janie is restricted to the general store or the house, but in those times she would constantly question why she was not able to behave like a man. When group members conceal critical information from each other in order not to rock the boat, or are willing to deny the evidence of their own senses, the group is at risk of groupthink or extreme polarization. endstream endobj 77 0 obj <. Conformity And Individuality In Schools - 627 Words | Studymode Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Then why is it that there is so much emphasis put on conformity in the monotonous school system? Accordingly, by asking students to remain in classes for an extra two hours a day, school systems are requesting more devotion from teenagers who cannot focus for lengthy periods of time due to their developing brains. The curriculum taught in mandatory classes to students serves as a means of preparation for tests such as the SAT. On the other. She argued that under these circumstances, an ideal student is the one, who is compliant, not overtly expressive, stays quiet in class and does not challenge the rules set by the teacher. About 87 percent of American high school students are chronically sleep deprived, according to a 2006 survey from the National Sleep Foundation. In school, they teach us the same four subjects each year: English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. PDF 2009 AP ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION FREE-RESPONSE - MsEffie Conformity vs. Individuality in Schools - 871 Words | 123 Help Me It emphasizes that a certain individual has his own beliefs, needs, desires, responsibilities, rights, etc. Informational conformity is the tendency to turn to a group to glean information, make decisions, or form opinions. Groupthink is often, but not always, spurred by a desire to conform. By the time a person has reached pubescence they are met with the overwhelming perception to stand out. Not enough sleep isnt healthy. Uniform policies can stifle the willingness of a student to engage in creative activities or his comfort in doing so. The more restrictive the uniforms, the more negatively they may impact individual expression. Parents dream of a teen that is great academically, is good at sports and does household chores whenever asked. It is matching ones behaviors to the majoritys expectations or the compliance with group norms or laws. Some are numerical and scientific geniuses, while others have an enviable passionate way with words. Perfect citizens are those who are able to conform to some degree to interact and learn from others while personally impacting the world around. Schools made this shift in response to increased state testing and the associated pressures of funding. Clothing and fashion often correlate to the development of cliques and social groups within schools. Conformity vs. Individuality. Can your breakfast cereal make you sick? Des Moines Independent School District that students do not "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression at the schoolhouse gate." Students should not be forced to wear school uniforms because they restrict freedom of expression, promote conformity rather than individuality, and they are widely opposed by students. The choice to favor conformity over individuality can prove to be beneficial to the student, but current policies often hinder a student's performance over all. 0 Students express their individualism with the habiliments they wear and the classes and the extra Co, In comparing a childs mind to an adults mind, a child has a much more difficult time comprehending and understanding multiple new topics in a day than an adult does. Conformity is a universal feature across societies, leading researchers to suspect that it gave us an evolutionary advantage. In comparison, psychological studies which are related with individuality include twin studies and adoption studies (nature vs nurture). Conformity denotes a wide-ranging phenomenon in which people (intentionally or unintentionally) shift their behavior or beliefs to fit in with a larger group. Soon, your in class and can barely manage to stay awake. That usually means copying the actions of others, looking to the group when deciding how to think or behave, or doing what is "expected" based on widely accepted (if often unspoken) social norms. APA 7 Schools should focus more on students individuality to find self-fulfillment, but not to the point where order is lost. Requiring uniforms has pros and cons, often centering on the balance between individual expression and conformity. Conformity came from the Latin word conformare and is synonymous with obedience and conventionality while individuality came from the medieval Latin word individualitas and is synonymous with personality and identity. Intrinsic value defines itself to be a set of ethics that is dependent upon an individuals morals. Other uniforms may address specific styles of pants, socks and shoes. The Positive and Negative Side of Peer Pressure You Need to Know, Peer Pressure and Teens: Social Media is the Culprit. School uniforms have long been common in parochial schools, but a number of public schools also have uniform standards. See disclaimer. %PDF-1.6 % Doing things that cause it to be unsafe for LGBTQ+ people to be open about being LGBTQ+ and not living their lives celibate and alone does not eliminate their existence. Diffusion of responsibilityin which no individual feels like its up to them to intervenemay also partially motivate the effect. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. This concept is concerned with the forces which help us develop into distinct beings. For instance, someone who got invited to a church service by his friends eventually became a Christian and changed his lifestyle. It is matching one's behaviors to the majority's expectations to fit in. "Difference Between Conformity and Individuality." 76 0 obj <> endobj Both individuality and conformity are essential in society. Please note: comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment. Hence, these concepts are often associated with psychology, sociology, and philosophy. Conformity in schools plays a major role in fulfilling their tasks of educating the teens and preparing them for the world outside the walls of school building. 107 0 obj <>stream Weed #1Comma, Comma, Comma I know you are writing on demand, but these comma rules must be . They will have occasional outbursts, throw tantrum, express intense passion for a certain subject or activity and prove to be headstrong. Although I believe that individuality is certainly more powerful than conformity, I noticed that many ignore the necessity of harmony between individualism and conformity. What creates that feeling of grudgingness? Brown, Dean of Admissions at Texas Christian University, stated in a column how, students are vesting high amounts of self-esteem in the results of the standardized exams we use in the college admission process: the SAT and the ACT. He describes this phenomenon as an epidemic and identifies it as a major flaw in our academic system. No, though they both can influence the behavior of individuals or groups.

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